Social Media Marketing Case Study


Aistra aimed at offering quality, wholesome and plant-based cruelty free food for the pets aiming their lifelong health and wellness.They approached our team in creating  online presence through social media marketing.Our main objective was to create the brand identity on social platforms and delivery the right information to their audience.


  • To revamp the brand on social media channels
  • Sharing more user centric communication
  • Changing the perception for the brand on the end users.


  • Multiple social media assets
  • Initially no budget for paid promotions
  • No budget for Influencers
  • Stiff competition in the industry
  • Brand revamp on all social media channels
Content Buckets


  • In order to create a starting buzz for Aistra, we wanted to pick a tonality suiting our target
    audience which are pet lovers and brands that promote vegan food for pets.
  •  We initiated the campaign with two umbrella hashtags #GoVegan and #FeedVegan.
  •  We highlighted on a very cardinal campaign with hashtag #AdoptPetDon’tShop.
  • In our campaigns we usually highlight, target and integrate
    ✓ USP of a brand
    ✓ Brand colours
    ✓ Brand vision
    ✓ Brand Audience
    ✓ Visual design elements for natural and organic feel


  • Research & Development of the brand.
  • Competitor analysis.
  • Calendar for Social Media.
  • Creating campaign and giveaway for the brand.
  • Instagram growth hacking strategy.


Growth in Social media

Facebook Page Like

A constant monthly growth in terms of Likes and followers can be noticed.

Growth- Monthly Total Reach and Impressions


• Facebook page likes increased by 256%

• Daily engagement growth rate is 1867%

• The growth rate of Daily reach is 678% as compared to February.

• We got a constant growth in term of Total reach and impressions on Facebook.

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